Top 20 NuGet data Packages

A library of helper methods for collections
Allows syncronizing a set of xml files to a set of database tables.
MySql for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
SqlCe for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
SQLite for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
Entity framework 6.x provider for Microsoft Access (Jet) files
Extension allowing entity framework use with MvcNext.
一个轻量级的O/RM 类库,支持Sql Server,Oledb、ODBC、SQLite等多种数据库驱动。 能够快速实现实体对象的数据库通用操作,并且实现数据库无缝切换。
N-Tier Entity Framework Silverlight T4 code generation templates.
Shims.Xaml lets you easily create libraries that work on WPF and Windows 10. Find us on GitHub at
Data pagination Logic
A simple extension that creates a csv file or string from the properties and fields of a collection of class instances.
A simple .NET library to cache data using custom providers.
Sqlite support for the Data Mapper in Griffin Framework
A SQL-based query distributor for Alluvial
Dice - is a fake data generator for .Net.
Provides fakes and classes that can be more easily overridden, mocked, or stubbed in tests.