Top 20 NuGet core Packages

MongoDB supported BSON library. See for more details.
MongoDB supported Driver Core library. See for more details.
MongoDB supported driver for MongoDB. See for more details.
ServiceFabric.Extensions.Configuration use Service Fabric configuration packages as source for ASP.NET Core configuration system
Core framework for Engage API clients
A collection of core services and utilities
Slack logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Unity AutoMapper integration library
The Enterprise Library Common assembly contains elements that are shared among multiple application blocks. By supplying a set of commonly used functions to all the application blocks, the Common assembly reduces the dependency of one application block on another.
An Adafruit BME280 (Pressure, Temp and Humidity) Sensor library for Windows IoT Core Core 1.0.0 中扩展Session写入Redis
Core library for all Web Applications and Services for Flint Hills Technical College
SMU-JWC-API is short for the simplified API for accessing SMU-JWC. You can not only log into the SMU-JWC , but you can also query how you perform in your college years when you study in SMU. It used the .NET Core, which means the code can run on major OS, such as Windows 7 or up, Ubuntu 14.04 or up ...