Top 20 NuGet core Packages

A library of core helpers, extensions, constants, enums and other useful things for Sitecore CMS projects.
Набор компонентов для асинхронной разработки.
Core utilities for EveLib.
Core library for Kassandra
Sql connector for Kassandra
Small .NET tool aiding in sql data modeling and simplified CRUD.
Medidata Zipkin Tracer Core Service
The default audiovisual backend layer for Duality. It uses OpenGL and OpenAL, as provided by OpenTK.
The default system backend layer for Duality. It uses regular .Net Framework classes, as are available on desktop platforms.
Provides app launch and session stats to the Donky Network
Donky Core functionality for Xamarin Forms
Donky Core functionality for Xamarin iOS
Ldap classes to simple CRUD objects based on System.DirectoryServices.Protocols for Windows, Linux, Mac
A small and fast library to allow your code switch-case on runtime values, also it improves multiple if-else/switch-case statements, making them clearer and easier to maintain.
AspNetCore.VersionedAssets allows you to easily version your static assets
Logging abstractions to support multiple storage providers.
Cross platform .net roku client library
A library to test Asp.Net Core Mvc application forms from request through to (HTML) response.
zxm.AspNetCore.WebApi.ResultExtenstion is an extensions to return an WebApiResult after WebApi action executed.
Defines core Resources and Components for using tilemaps with Duality.