Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Dynamicweb monitoring dashboard and widgets.
Dynamicweb 9 package containing components for the monitoring area
Vertex Sales Tax provider
Ding.Biz是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的NetCore公共业务基础类库。
Ding.MySqlBackup是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的Mysql数据库备份操作核心类库。基于MySqlConnector
Order integration for channable service
Airbrake middleware component for ASP.NET Core pipeline
Raw SDL2 bindings for .NET. Used by Veldrid for window and input management.
Configuration.DockerSecrets is a non-official library, build to work as a stop-gap until dotnetcore 2.0.0 is released.
Provides infrastructure for common authentication and additional convenience APIs for Azure REST clients.
GraphEditor module for Gemini, providing UI controls to edit a graph of connected nodes.
Sidewired's Core Components.
The SInc Core Library for .NET provides concrete and abstract types for data entity models, caching, common design patterns, application health monitoring, diagnostic classes, and useful extensions and types typically needed or found in every software project that .NET does not provide.
A library of core helpers, extensions, constants, enums and other useful things for .NET Web projects.
Defines helper classes to retain backwards compatibility with older Duality versions.
A library of core helpers, extensions, constants, enums and other useful things for all ASP.NET MVC projects.
A library of core helpers, extensions, constants, enums and other useful things for all .NET projects using EF.