Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Package Description
Core library for the whole libraries
A set of actions for Duality Project forum page:
Project and item templates containing common boilerplate code so you don't have to write it yourself. Includes special security, performance and best practice features.
It installs Visual Studio project templates to be used when creating projects from .NET Core 'dotnet new' command line interface. Currently, it contains a project template for a NSpec test library targeting both .NET Core and .NET Frameowrk. NOTE: Even if template currently creates a project suppo...
BugGuardian.AspNetCore is the official ASP.NET Core extension for BugGuardian. This package works with both .Net Framework and .Net Core. BugGuardian is a library, written in C# targeting NetStandard 1.1, that allows to easily create a Bug or Task work item on your Visual Studio Team Services acc... core middleware for zipkin4net
Distributed lock provider for Workflow-core using Redis core middleware, allows to wait for ongoing requests to finish.
With Multipipeline we can create multiple context pipelines which can have different behaviors on same business code.
Xamariners.Core is a library of common classes and helpers.
Base classes, objects and extension methods for Luminous Code
ASP.NET Core Identity integration for ArangoDB
Azure CosmosDB Provider to support AspNet Identity Core frameworks for .NET. Important! This package has been renamed to ElCamino.AspnetCore.Identity.CosmosDB. Upgrade/breaking change info here
libvideo is a fast, clean way to download YouTube videos. It is fully portable and has no dependencies. Find us on GitHub at
Implements a simple set of helpers to handle EPOCH timestamps in .NET
.NET Standard Barcode is a class library that generates barcodes using fonts. This library targets the .NET Standard 2.0 and is compatible with a wide range of frameworks such as the .NET Framework, .NET Core and XAMARIN available on different platforns such as Windows, macOS and Linux. A barcode ge...
An EntityMapper and EntityRegister For EntityFrameworkCore 1.1.2