Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Narato headstart project: .NET Core solution using Narato.Libraries stack with dependecy injection, logging & configuration
A library that allows usage of JsonPatch with Nancy
Library contains set of actions and assertions used to configure Wiremock application.
Library contains set of actions and assertions used to create System tests and Component tests for microservices.
* Allows you to Subscribe to a queue instead of polling it in a busy loop. That is, you provide a delegate function in “Subscribe” method and this callback will be invoked every time a new message is added to the queue. This library will also handle serialization and deserialization for your objects...
MySql provider for CoPilot.ORM
Sql Server provider for CoPilot.ORM
Genesys Source Extension common-library .NET Framework extension methods and extra classes. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution.
A template for .Net Core and Angular
Package Description
Allows you to install templates which can help you to use EasyQuery components in your ASP.NET Core project: create new controllers and views, add necessary script files, etc.
Prevents redirects to unsafe locations. Allows only the ones listed explicitly.
Package Description
Dictionary with advance features including auto retrieval, max limit etc for .Net Core >= 2.0 (Standard 2.0).