Top 20 NuGet control Packages

Sparrow Toolkit a set of Data Visualization controls(Chart, Gauge,BulletGraph and Sparkline) with lot of flexibility, performance, faster and more efficient for Windows Phone 8
Makes any WinForms control draggable
This library contains many controls inspired by the official Facebook app on Windows Phone. You will find several controls : - The SlideView, a control allowing to slide between panels (2 or many more) - The SlideApplicationFrame, a control to use at top app level and packaged to d...
This user control does NOT actually do anything more than display data - the user control is the View (UI) in a MVVM implementation, the ViewModel would be responsible for the actual behaviour & contents of the console\terminal window. The user control is designed to use XAML binding for all UI prop...
A Windows 8 Progress Ring.
Implementation of the Hawk authentication scheme for Web API v2 and Katana.
GravatarClient is an AjaxControlToolkit based client side behavior for adding photo and datas from the to the webpage automatically. New BSD License The md5.js and utf8_encode.js has own licence.
CarouselBehavior is an AjaxControlToolkit based behavior for jQuery Carousel plugin. The Carousel plugin exists in Twitter Bootstrap. New BSD License
AdPanel is an AjaxControlToolkit based client side behavior for adding advertisenments and similar things - like partners - to the webpage automatically. In the configuration applicable remote or local url based image, html markup for text based content and tooltip. New BSD License
BootstrapPanelBaseBehavior is an AjaxControlToolkit based client side - javascript - behavior. This behavior is a base class for other behaviors, which use the Bootstrap panels. New BSD License
Visualize the data points with performance, style, and customization.
Visualize the data points with performance, style, and customization.
Visualize the data points with performance, style, and customization.
Custom control for toast notifications in Windows 8, Windows Phone & WPF applications. This control is similar to a toast notification but it's not. You can set duration, style, logo, text & animation of the notification. Animations: LeftToLeft, LeftToRight, RightToLeft, RIghtToRight, Vertical, Rot...
Enables JavaScript Intellisense for the Bing Maps v7.0 Ajax Map Control in Visual Studio.
PhysicsBodyEditor library for CocosSharp with Physics. Packages required: - Json.Net v6.0.4
PhysicsEditor for CocosSharp with Physics Packages required: - DynamicPlist v1.0
PhysicsEditor for CocosSharp using Chipmunk Packages required: - DynamicPlist v1.0 - ChipmunkSharp v7
This image map control allows you to define hot spots on an image and perform an action when a defined area is clicked. See the project website for the code, a help file, and demos.
This image map control allows you to define hot spots on an image and perform an action when a defined area is clicked. See the project website for the code, a help file, and demos.