Top 20 NuGet command Packages

Simple and fast package for MVVM basics. ViewModelBase, OnPropertyChanger, RelayCommand, AsyncCommand, RangeObservableCollection, etc
Updated for Nuget 2.0: This adds copy and copySearch to the command line. "nuget.exe copy packageId [-Version version] [-Source sourceFeed] [-Destination destinationPathOrFeed] [-ApiKey apiKey]" | "nuget.exe copySearch searchFilter [-Version version] [-Source sourceFeed] [-Destination destinationPat...
Console application that allows you to easily create console-based applications with separate classes for each command.
Rugland Console Framework is a collection of classes to enable the fast and consistent development of .NET console applications. Parse command line arguments and write your applications usage.
Replacement for Event To Command behavior for WinRT XAML applications (Windows 8 or Windows Phone 8)
An easy way to run command line tasks for any .Net project. Add a CLI to an app in seconds.
Griffin.Decoupled is a library which helps you create decoupled and scalable applications in a simple way using commands and domain events
Provides Methods and Attributes to simple build command line like cmd.
An extensible commands and events processor pattern implementation.
Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern interfaces.
Portable Class Library for attribute-based wiring-up of MVVM Commands. Targets .NET 4.5, SL 4+, WP7+, Windows Store.
LightBus is a lightweight in-process bus.
MVVM, bare knuckle style! Blue.MVVM is, and will remain, an ultra lightweight suite supporting your Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) based applications. _about this package_ This package includes highly configurable converters. Included converters in this package so far: ...
The magic-free Caliburn.Light, a powerful framework designed for building applications across current XAML platforms.
A fork of the SQLGeneration code base that has some features not in the original master.
Command line parsing library emphasizing simple configuration as well as versatility and power.
Allows binding events directly to commands in XAML code. Works for both WPF and Silverlight applications.