Top 20 NuGet collections Packages

Types and extensions for collections and enumerables.
Extends .NET collections with Python-style `ToString` formatting. Easily convert lists, dictionaries, sets, and other collections into Python-inspired string representations. Now with support for Priority Queues!
Provides the ability to more intuitively connect Parent-Child relationships via Callback methods.
The purpose of the libarary is to provide extensions and types supporting Azure Application Insights.
C# Utils that work with .NET Standard 2.0
FluentCollections is a small class library with useful collections.
This package contains a library for C# containing a plethora of collection types which are not provided by the .NET standard libraries. Sammlung (/'zamlʊŋ/) is german for collection and is pronounced some-loong.
Implementation of `ObservableCollection<TValue>` that associates items with ´IGrouping<TKey, TValue>`s so that the `GroupedObservableCollection<TKey, TValue>` can be used in WPF Binding operations while synchronizing each group from a different datasource.
Extensions/adapters around read-only collection interfaces
Provides custom collection and list types.
This is a .NET Standard 1.0, .NET 2.0, .NET 3.5, Silverlight 5.0 and Windows Phone Silverlight 8.0 & 8.1 backport from System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary as defined in .NET Core
Total functions made convenient for F# and C#
Backported read-only collection interfaces
Various classes related to collections.
Welcome to Academy Collections. Academy.Collections presents a new set of data structures offering a lot of new applications for storing data in memory performing optimized operations and guaranteeing Microsoft .NET features like serialization and data information when debugging. Academy.Collection...
A cross-platform extension to the default set of collections in the System.Collections namespace providing generic array-based lists and dictionaries.
Collection of tools and utilities for collections, Linq and debug outputs.
Extensions to expose lists, collections, dictionaries, and enumerables as read-only. IList<T>.AsReadOnly() ICollection<T>.AsReadOnly() IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.AsReadOnly() IEnumerable<T>.AsReadOnly()