Top 20 NuGet collections Packages

Set of extended collections related functionality.
Structr extensions for AutoMapper
MADE.NET Testing provides test framework agnostic helpers and extensions to perform assertions on your defined scenarios. Whether you like to use MSTest, NUnit, or xUnit, this library will follow you wherever you go!
MADE.NET Collections allows you to easily interact with collections, lists, arrays, and dictionaries.
A collection of useful data and execution extensions for Bridge.NET
An API for the Data Access Layer using Dapper
FSharpx.Collections is a collection of datastructures for use with F# and C#.
Generic / non-generic collections and extensions for System.Collections.
Boilerplate code that can speed up your development
Provides extensions to collection classes, as well as specialized collection types. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - PartialOrderedSet, Graph. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and...
The CB.Win32.Standard project provides an more confortable way to access the Windows API. It is a reduced version of the CB.Win32 project to support .Net Standard and .Net Framework.
Objects pooling, buffers pooling
Concrete Implementations for the H.Necessaire Notifications API
An API for the Data Serialization
Provides additional collection classes and extensions.
Boilerplate code that can speed up your development
Boilerplate code that can speed up your development
Provides additional MSBuild tasks.
Advanced types. Pooled instance string, hashcode cached string
A framework that allows database queries to be executed quickly and cleanly, with validation, logging, retries and concurrency.