Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

Code libraries for Netduino and FEZ Panda, Cobra boards under .NetMF4.3
Syntactic (Semantic) Versioning for .NET libraries heavily inspired in elm-package (bump and diff)
A tool to help help create a console app that you can call.
Csharp to markdown auto-generated documentation.
Type-safe client-server communication for C# featuring Bridge.NET and Nancy.
Set of ready to use common dialog boxes and components based on the MVVM pattern for WPF/xaml applications. Provide also a basic MVVM framework with a back-end application controller. See the gitHub repository and wiki: See the blog to have more explanations...
Linq extensions used on Tempus Digital's projects.
Commom functions and extensions used on Tempus Digital's projects.
The extension interfaces library for the Loki WebSocket Signaling Server
a C++ linker symbol demangler
An Interpreter that takes a math formula (string) as input, and outputs a numeric result.
Autogenerated fixtures for C# projects. (Works with .Net Core)
Small thing to create and fetch polls from StrawPoll service
C# Api Wrapper for Bittrex
Collection of basic monads and functional extensions for C#
JSON Parser/Serializer for .Net Core (C#).
Roslyn 3.0-alpha dependencies for Dotnet.Script. Packaged separately until Roslyn 3.0 is available on nuget.