Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

TensorFlow backend for SiaNet library. Please install SiaNet along with this backend.
MxNet backend for SiaNet library. Please install SiaNet along with this backend.
CNTK backend for SiaNet library. Please install SiaNet along with this backend.
CNTK CPU Only backend for SiaNet library. Please install SiaNet along with this backend.
ArrayFire backend for SiaNet library. Please install SiaNet along with this backend.
NetStandard2.1 and NetCoreApp3.0 Utilities for Crud API System - Base Services Implementation: should be referenced by project containing Services implementations
NetStandard2.1 and NetCoreApp3.0 Utilities for Crud API System - Main package, should be referenced by all projects on solution
NetCoreApp3.0 astraction - API Base Package: should be referenced by Asp.Net Core API Project
An open source .NET API wrapper for HackForums.
A compilation of the MCWrapper.RPC and MCWrapper.CLI libraries with a new extension method permitting the additional of both the MultiChain Core RPC and CLI client factories using a single line of code.
Additional ModernUI styles for some standard WPF controls
A library for building FParsec parsers using pipeline operators.
Amplifier allows .NET developers to easily run complex applications with intensive mathematical computation on Intel CPU/GPU, NVIDIA, AMD without writing any additional C kernel code. Write your function in .NET and Amplifier will take care of running it on your favorite hardware.
This package includes the Windows.Networking.Sockets assembly for nanoFramework C# projects.
Memory queues support for SQL Server job storage implementation for Hangfire
AngelORM is a lightweight ORM that makes everything easy.
Extension classes for Antrl4 lexer and parser. Wraps a parser as a component. Integrates helpfull additional classes and methods
.NET binding for WebGL through WebAssembly. *Please* follow the installation instructions at the Project Site.
netcoreapp3.1 EntityFramework with Unit Of Work