Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Abstractions library related to the XServiceBuilderLibrary (a c# service builder class library for a quicker way to add custom service collections)
A c# service builder class library for a quicker way to add custom service collections
Provides macOS keychain support in .NET Core.
Data Access Library that simplifies data access to a Microsoft SQL server. Wraps SqlConnection the SqlCommand into a series of objects and methods that provide more straightforward usage. GetObjects<T>()/GetObject<T>() provides functionality to fill an object via reflection in a lightweight manner...
A few simple extension methods for the Serilog .NET logging library. Support for multiple .NET Frameworks: * .NETFramework 4.5 * .NETStandard 2.0 Please visit the project page for full documentation: *
Domain layer
Enum Core Library
ASP Net.Core adding logging to a file for
适用于ASP.NET Core3.1 的 OAuth2 认证中间件,使Web应用程序支持用WXWork快捷登录。
Package Description
Property-level and field-level encrypted json serialization utilizing Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection
Starter Project Template for ASP.NET Core, Vue.JS + Vuetify + Vue Router + Vuex
Audit logging for .NET Core with EntityFramework Core support
Audit logging for .NET Core with EntityFramework Core support
Dynamicweb TinyMCE text editor provider
Project to make easier the development of new AspNet Core 3.1 projects.