Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Ccr.WinCore package for Windows Core-level helpers, PInvoke, Shell32, and User32 libraries. Contains constructs used to interact directly with the WinAPI.
配置文件的名字必须为appsettings.json。支持中文配置。方法中的泛型T表示json的结构。 使用方法: SettingHelp.Help.createSetting().getvalue<T>() 1.0.2新增: 添加getvalue<T>(string path) 方法, path为json文件中想要查询字段的路径,从根路径开始,多层路径之间用英文句号分隔, 例如 {a:b,c:{d:f}} ,想要获取值f , path为 c.d 1.0.3新增: 修改中文字符格式由GBK改为utf8
Analyzers for Core.Extensions
This package is the core of a generic noificaitons system. You can use existing simple implementations or extend functionality as needed.
Use Razor to build your templates from strings / files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core
Unicorn.ViewManager 的WPF基础组件库,包含一些控件、命令等。
.NetStandard 2.0 Small app framework for .Net Core 3.x apps - Logging (file/console) - Event aggregator - Exceptions manager
.NetStandard 2.0 Small app framework for ASP.Net Core 3 apps.
You can cache with memory and redis just one line with Protobuf
This package makes it possible to request GoogleMap Distance Matrix from a .Net (Both core and framework) application.
The base common.messages layer of Glovali framework.
The base common.domain layer of Glovali framework.
The base common layer of Glovali framework.
This package you can use to encrypt and decrypt your database connection string. We are using public key and private key. See how to works the framework cript connection string in this article -->
Bellight MediatR
Xml Rpc Client Implementation for .Net Standard. Use this Package to connect to Xml Rpc Servers.
ASP.NET CORE WebAPI with SQLServer OR Mysql