Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Port of windows InstallUtil.exe (
This package implements logic for Identity Abstractions making use of Identity Framework for user and permissions management. It also includes a database initializer with default users and roles.
This package implements logic for jwt generation including a set of claims widely used for user management. It also handles user data deserialization through a set of claims obtained from HttpContext making data available through dependency injection.
Database seeder library.
This is a dotnet command line tool that generates classes from stored procedures
This package is common of the Ben's AspNetCore Model. Use to provide the base interface or data model.
EntityFrameworkCore Testing Tools
EntityFrameworkCore Extensions
Package Description
Template For AMS Web Dev Team
Package Description
This package implements logic for exception handling occurred during any api request through a specific middleware that returns http status code 400 (for business exceptions) or 500 (for internal errors).
Template for creating .Net Global Tools, including a solution with src and test folders.
Servicio para Core 2.1 y Clases auxiliares para envio de mensajes usando el broker Rabbit MQ. entre APIs de nuestros Microservicios.
Clases para ruteo en microservicios. Recibe URLs con una palabra clave que sirve para determinar la ruta a seguir. La configuracion puede tener seguridad por token bearer o no tenerla. Mecanismo para proteger el ruteador de DDos Mecanismo para balance de carga.