Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Package Description
entensão para uso em qualquer projeto .Net Core
Useful Types: Log, DefaultLogger, ILogAdapter
Useful Types: Cache, DefaultCache, ICache Generally useful for unit testing when you want to be able to control the inner state of a class. Replace internal state with injected caches and mock the return values. Addtional timed cache method allows for timed expiration (removal from cache) of cach...
Encrypt and Decrpty tool,Include AES,RSA,MD5,SAH1,SAH256,SHA384,SHA512, BASE64, and DataProtector For ASPNETCore
.NET Template for a console application with commands
Package Description
An alternative query compiler for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer that supports complex queries and operators and FOR JSON.
Common interfaces for DB
Genereate MVC proxies for Blazor
This is Azure Table Storage logger and logger provider. A small package to allow store logs in any data store using Azure Table Storage. It was prepared to use in ASP NET Core application, but it does not contain any references that prevents to use it in plain .NET Core application.
Simple, efficient, and tested .Net Core database migrations supporting multiple database technologies.
Simplifies managing embedded resources in .NET Core projects.
Generate Html to PDF Using WkhtmlToPdf Engine, work in Windows OS And Linux OS. Dynamic Path and Easy to use...