Top 20 NuGet cli Packages

Provides the ability to provide additional commands to the hosted application by convention.
Unofficial Giphy CLI as global dotnet tool - get that url or markdown fast. > `giphy lolcats`
Simple CLI for sending HTTP requests
Roslynator command-line tool for .NET Framework
An easy to use, simple, strongly typed dotnet core command line parser.
A set of useful utilities to build a console app
A set of useful utilities to build a console app
.NET Core Global Tool providing a limited but useful Crowdin CLI. Built over the Crowdin.Api (
Command Line Interface library
Provides Swagger-based web front-end gateway for ConsoleAppFramework.
CLI interface for Creatio
LoadTesting provider of DFrame.
This package contains the docker-cli executable for Windows.
Roslynator command-line tool for .NET Core
Azure DevOps Classic-to-YAML Pipelines CLI
Kubernetes scaling provider of DFrame.
AppyWay Configuration Providers for Dotnet
This is a ACMEv2 client for Windows that aims to be very simple to start with, but powerful enough to grow into almost every scenario.
HomeAssistent / organizer for yaml-configurations