Top 20 NuGet cil Packages

CIL Assembly Manipulator (CAM) .NET addition provides a working CILReflectionContext factory. This library will fill the gaps left by CAM Portable version.
CIL Assembly Manipulator (CAM) provides high-level API to read and emit CLR assemblies and modules. CAM is currently available for .NET 4 and Windows 8. Mono support and Windows Phone 8.1 support are incoming.
Qi4CS is aimed to increase coding efficiency and productivity by introducing easily adaptive features from Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Composite Oriented Programming (COP), and Dependency Injection (DI). This is the SDK package allowing generating Qi4CS assemblies at runtime.
High level IL manipulation tools built on top of mono.cecil. Currently only a very small surface of functionality is exposed which is used by Cilador.Fody to create mixins. As the project evolves, more functionality will be exposed. Please consider this version of Cilador to be pre-release.
Create your own custom, rich C# mixins with Cilador! Mixins are the perfect DRY solution for sharing code without abusing inheritance. Supports: Mixins containing fields, methods, properties, events, and nested types. Generics mixins and mixin members, so long as the top-level mixin implementation ...
IL disassembler written using reflection.
CIL compiled templates library (Cecil target)
Provides functionality related to Structural layer of CILAssemblyManipulator (CAM) framework. The metadata types, methods, fields, etc may be manipulated directly instead of indirect metadata tables, rows, signatures, and table references.
Provides functionality related to Physical layer of CILAssemblyManipulator (CAM) framework. This is the lowest abstraction level of CAM, and the provided functionality allows directly manipulate metadata tables, rows, and signatures.
Provides functionality related to Logical layer of CILAssemblyManipulator (CAM) framework. The metadata types, methods, fields, etc are represented by high-level abstract API similar to the one in System.Reflection namespace of .NET framework. Additionally wrapping of native reflection elements (typ...
Utility to create simple patches to exitsing assemblies
Provides an overridable ILGenerator via AbstractILGenerator.AbstractILGenerator
A translator implementation of .NET intermediate language to C language.
C# Assembly unused classes/references/resources cleaner.
Provides a MSBuild task to merge multiple CIL assemblies into one.
Set of extension methods for ILGenerator that make emitting IL a little easier
(JetBrains repack to get single dll) Cecil is a library written by Jb Evain to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format. It has full support for generics, and support some debugging symbol format. In simple English, with Cecil, you can load existing managed assemblies, brow...
A simple and light-weight parser for command line arguments, which makes it possible to access parameters from the command line via well-defined .NET data structures.
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