Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

c# http server
Abp Asp.Net Core Project Template.
WinDbg common commands
Contains analyser which helps to find issue: "Namespace must match file location"
A static Dependency Injection IoC Container library
Package Description
Package Description
Provides the logic to produce generated outputs using the Modeller.Base components.
Package Description
Common libarary used by the visualizar plugin architeceture
Code generator using model files and compiled template components
PowerExtensions are a hobby project of a senior developer which helps you to write faster, cleaner and more understandable code with the use of helpful extension methods. Those methods are used in my daily business and i guess everyone of you had written or think of them before.
A small step for man kind, but a HUGE leap for build scripts.
Package Description
.NET wrapper for NVIDIA PhysX 4.0.0 @ 25462362
Various Security Protocal Implementations for Panama, the command architecture for .Net developed by Diran Ogunlana
A library that allows you to define a schema that can be used to read and write XML files without writing any of your own methods.
Task to simplify the copy process in MSBuild