Top 20 NuGet biztalk Packages

Will promote result from a key value store lookup
Provides OrchestrationEventStream wrapper to Ox.BizTalk.BAM Typed API framework. Requires Microsoft BizTalk Server to be installed.
Query a Sharepoint list using a key from promoted property
The Web Solutions Platform (WSP) event system is a general-purpose distributed publish/subscribe event system designed for high performance and low latency. Publish/subscribe is a common communication pattern though there are many variations to solve different scenario requirements. The event system...
Extension methods for the BizTalk message context.
Library for packaging resources in a BizTalk MSI
Issues and promotes a new SSO Ticket
Promotes a specified value to a specified property.
Pipeline component to copy one context property to another
PipelineComponent that validates incoming XML against a schema and returns HTTP 400 if it is not valid.
Methods to query a database
Will promote the result of a database query
Component to set Charset of incoming message.
Replaces a context value that matches a specific pattern.
Set a context value if a pattern is matched in the selected context
Promotes a specified value to a specified property.
PipelineComponent that uses a regular expression to parse a context property and promote the result to another context property.
Promotes a new guid to the specified property.
Promotes a specified value to a specified property.
Promotes a value specified by an XPath expression to a specified property.