Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Azure storage source for Owin.ThumbCrop
Azure Functions bindings to abstract away Redis boilerpate
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Azure Table storage.
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Service Fabric configuration packages.
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Azure DocumentDB.
Set of Telemetry Processors and Initializers useful to extend Telemetry Collection with Application Insights.
Azure Functions bindings to inject your dependencies with ASP.NET Core's IoC container
Tools for documenting API code using OpenApi/Swagger specifications
Azure Functions bindings to inject your dependencies with Unity containers
Azure Functions bindings to inject your dependencies with Autofac
Service Bus Application Insights helper classes. For usage please see in the repository.
Azure SignalR bindings for Azure Functions
Redis bindings for Azure Functions
This package contains Client library that helps in Microsoft Azure Blob Stoage operations and File Share Utility.
The package helps in working with microsoft azure storage accounts for storing files irrespective of the file type. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process of upload and download files from Microsoft Azure Blob Stoarage for .Net(Classic) and .net core applica...
This package contains Client library that helps in Microsoft Azure Blob Stoage operations and File Share Utility.
Client for BC.Storage API
KumoDictionary provides IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface for access to a behind Key-Value-Store (e.g. Azure Storage Table, DynamoDB).