Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

CloudQueueBus provides lightweight infrastructure for sending and receiving messages with Azure Storage Queues.
Extendable wrappers and abstractions over web servers (IIS, IISExpress or custom)
NuGet API wrappers simplifying nuget package management in websites at runtime
A facade on EventStore allowing the logging of any serialisable object as the Data of a StorableEvent
FSharp.CloudAgent provides the capability to run standard F# Agents on top of Azure to allow massively distributed processing of workloads in a resilient manner using Azure Service Bus, either as pools of simple workers or actors.
Aims to make working with the Azure Service Bus as simple as possible. Has sensible defaults and is fully injectable and testable. Features include automatically managing subscriptions/closing connections, enqueue/message pump using Queues, and publish/subscribe using topics.
This is a .NET Micro Framework 4.3 Library for communicating with Azure Mobile Services. Get more infos on the project page:
Use this library to monitor the Silos in your Orleans Deployment
Azure Notification Hub Helper
A implementation of .NET's ObjectCache for Redis. Uses StackExchange.Redis. Works with Azure Redis Cache.
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
NLog target that writes to Azure Event Hubs.
Toolkit for client apps that uses Azure Mobile Services.
Client library for Azure Service Bus
Store your SourceryDb events on Azure table storage
SemanticLogging.EventHub is a collection of sinks for the Semantic Logging Application Block that exposes Event Source events to an Azure Event Hub.
A wrapper for Ninject and Microsoft Azure Service Runtime
FeatureSwitch cloud support library
Azure Caching for CacheCow Client