Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Azure Caching for CacheCow
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
Custom NLog Target for sending log messages straight to an Azure Storage Endpoint in real-time. Note that Append Blobs are the only supported storage endpoints at this time.
C# library for accessing Azure Machine Learning Text Analytics :
Implementation of retry logic for SqlConnection and SqlCommand for handling transient errors.
Azure DocumentDb Repository Pattern is a layer on top of Azure DocumentDb Client that simplifies the communication with the database and provides a repository-like interface.
This package contains classes for enabling Swagger definitions and UI to the Azure Mobile Apps .NET Server SDK. For more information, check out
Producer and Consumer for Azure Queue-based Job Executors.
Sino EventBus事件总线
Generates an environment to execute an Azure Data Factory DotNetActivity without Azure HDInsight.
Package Description
Non official SimpleInjector extensions for Microsoft Azure Webjob
This library helps with adding client side certificate mappings to a Web API. It is most useful for developers using Azure Management API. In you WebApiConfig.cs add the following line: config.Filters.Add(new ClientCertificateAuthenticateFilter());
Tool to generate an Azure Resource template for a Logic App
This is a simple wrapper for NPoco that uses RetryPolicies to protect against transient exceptions.
A slick and easy to use Azure DocumentDB helper library
Extension for ravensharp-sentry to send long file text to storage. Usefull when it is have a long text to analyse. by [email protected]
App Service Helpers makes enables you to bring the power of the cloud to your mobile apps. In just four lines of code, App Service Helpers automatically handles backend data access, online/offline synchronization, and even sync conflicts automatically. \n \n For developers building mobile applicatio...
Common library for IndieGamesLab components shared between client and server.
Elmah log extender for Application Insights