Top 20 NuGet automation Packages

Support Okapi report using MSTest TestContext
🎚🎛 Event-Catcher with variety of advanced Actions to service projects, libraries, build processes, runtime environment of the Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, and … Control everything: Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, CI, and more … Open Source Project:
Unofficial nuget package containing HomeSeer 3 assemblies required for HomeSeer 3 plugin development
FSec is a tool for automatically running security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
ANT Industrial Studio IPC Client Library
This project provides an API-wrapper for the home automation devices from the company "MyStrom"
FSec is a tool for automatically running FsCheck security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
FSec is a tool for automatically running API security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
A C#/ASP.NET Core Web Application used to write test automation with NUnit.
Kentico module that enables using Online Forms to trigger Marketing Automation without cookie consent. This module can be used in Kentico MVC or Portal Engine projects.
Automation support for CompUI
Adds common guidelines to cake-contrib projects.
ANT Industrial Studio Commons Library
Selenium Automation Framework
Framework for Web UI Automation Testing