Top 20 NuGet automation Packages

Automation support
C#/.Net Core/NUnit QA test automation framework.
A C#/.Net Core/NUnit QA test automation framework.
initial repo
This is the crossplatfrom version of SikuliSharp based on .netcore. Initial repo
Test Automation framework for UI, API and Mobile automation using C#, Restsharp and appium.
Accelerate the creation of .NET 5 REST API projects with minimal dependencies and a solution containing settings for DI/IoC, API versioning, automatic OpenAPI/Swagger documentation, separated layers, preconfigured mapping settings, preconfigured log settings, etc.
Accelerate the creation of .NET 5 API projects exposing IoT Hub features (Azure IoTHub C# SDK) with minimal dependencies and a solution containing settings for DI/IoC, API versioning, automatic OpenAPI/Swagger documentation, separated layers, preconfigured mapping settings, preconfigured log setting...