Top 20 NuGet async Packages

Provides awaitable dialogs using bootstrap modals
Easy way to serialize/deserialize objects to/from an async stream
Glarduino is an asynchronous communication library for .NET/C# Serial Ports and Arduino.
This is the public library for, a free and simple single-source web application for monitoring all your application layers using Tcp, Websocket, and/or WebAPI / Http.
Batch operation builder
Provides an abstract base class `AsyncInterceptor` for Castle DynamicProxy that enables the use of `async`/`await` during interception of awaitable methods.
An asynchronous server WebSocket wrapper for .NET Standard 2.1.
Injectable dependency for serializing and deserializing RabbitMQ Messages using Protobuffer. Best used with NanoMessageBus.Sender and NanoMessageBus.Receiver package.
Injectable dependency for serializing and deserializing RabbitMQ Messages using MessagePack. Best used with NanoMessageBus.Sender and NanoMessageBus.Receiver package.
Injectable dependency for serializing and deserializing RabbitMQ Messages using an DeflateStream. Best used with NanoMessageBus.Sender and NanoMessageBus.Receiver package.
EasyPost Async Shipping API Client Library for .NET
In .Net 4.6.2, enables developer plug in async version of SessionState module which is a good fit for the non-in-memory SessionState data store. This SessionState provider uses SQL Server as the data store and leverages async database operation to provide better scability.
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.LegacyConfiguration is a library that allows you to use App.Config or WebConfig with StackExchange.Redis.Extensions
Quick Installer for the Async Await Library for .net 4.0 projects (VS 2010)
Easy way to implement Event-based Asynchronous Pattern in .NET.
Helps with async declaration. Async.For(your_method_here).Subscribe(on_Complete_Method).Run()
Deprecated. Use the unified package AsyncBridge instead.
Deprecated. Use the unified package AsyncBridge instead.