Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

Implementation for automated testing using Xunit and AspNetCore
DryIoc adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Tencent QQ OAuth2.0 for ASP.Net Core 2.x WebApp (腾讯QQ登录@网站应用接入)
ForEvolve Entity Framework Core helpers.
Configurable middleware for ASP.NET Core to handle correlation Ids.
Class library for .NET. Provides extension logic for ASP.NET Core.
Implementation for automated testing using Xunit and AspNetCore
Implementation for automated testing using Xunit and AspNetCore
Extension methods for RockLib.Configuration and ASP.NET Core.
Util.Tools.Offices是Util应用框架的Office操作类库,目前封装了NPOI导出操作。 Util是一个.net core平台下的应用框架,旨在提升小型团队的开发输出能力,由常用公共操作类(工具类)、分层架构基类、Ui组件,第三方组件封装,第三方业务接口封装,配套代码生成模板,权限等组成。
EntityFrameworkCore support for GraniteCore
Fork from, But Fixed Bug that Razor string does not support @using and @inherits and @functions and @section, etc.
Fix RecaptchaOptions.ResponseValidationEndpoint This is a helper library for google reCAPTCHA 2.0 Getting started guide: Change log:
Support configuration AppMetrics.
Fork from