Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

Mobiroller Core Components for AspNetCore
.Net Core Identity Client
.Net Core Identity Client
.Net Core Rnd Resource API
.Net Core Rnd Notification API
A Global Exception Handler Middleware, allowing developers to create one or more exception handlers (intercepts).
Common functionalities and utilities for any AspNetCore MVC project
Based Librame.AspNetCore.IdentityServer.Abstractions on EntityFrameworkCore application implementation.
Pacote para utilização em Web APIs AspNetCore, esta biblioteca está pré-configurada para armazenmento e leitura de dados em Cache Redis.
Package Description
An AspNetCore middleware for Tencent Weixin(aka. Wechat) message handler and apis.
AspNetCore EventGrid middleware and more.
xPike Logging System extensions for Asp.Net Core
Provides an extension to the JwtBearer middleware for ASP.NET Core. In addition to verifying an access token, it will also fetch the userinfo from the identity/OIDC provider, and populate the UserPrincipal with that data.
An ASP.NET Core middleware of Tencent LBS
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion EJ2 FileManager component in Amazon S3 Bucket and more.
Another Extension Methods package, but named after Babou and built in Fort Kickass from the tv show Archer.
Middleware for adding security headers to an ASP.NET Core application. Allows you to easily add Content Security Policy and Public Key Pins to an app.
Official ASP.NET client library for Excepticon, the beautifully simple exception montior for .NET.