Top 20 NuGet analysis Packages

Package Description
Contains analyser which helps to find issue: "Namespace must match file location"
.NET Core version of PanGu.Lucene.Analyzer.
.NET Core version of PanGu.HighLight.
.NET Core version of PanGu.
MSBuild targets/tasks to add ApiXml analysis and Metadata generation support to Xamarin.Android bindings projects
Setup coding style and analysis for test projects (using NetAlalyzers and CodeStyle).
Setup coding style and analysis for production projects (using NetAlalyzers and CodeStyle).
A software development kit that allows .NET usage of the AGI analytical services
A .Net library for interacting with the SEC EDGAR System. Retrieve SEC Company Info including SEC Edgar CIK Numbers, SIC Numbers...etc. Retrieve up to 30 different Company and Fund Filing types including 10Q, 10K, Annual Reports, and Semi Annual Reports. More filing types are continuously added. ...
Another lexical analyzer generator for educational purposes
Digital Signal Processing (FFT and Correlation)
A Roslyn Analyzer to support proper usage of CancellationToken values.
Library for declination and conjugation of Russian words for the .NET Framework
A software development kit that allows .NET usage of the OneSky analytical services.
Component for creating advanced value filters
Protect your code from runtime issues through static analysis
Lightweight library for graph handling analysis and graph drawing