Top 20 NuGet api Packages api wrapper
The IOTA API library for .NET Standard framework. Compatible with .net 4.5 and .net core 1.0
Lightweight .NET library to pull data from YouTube. It deals only with list request and only those that don't need authentication. Supports lazy loading paginated results.
EntityFrameworkCore extensions to Popcorn
CoinDesk Bitcoin Price API .NET Client.
A framework that allows you to quickly build webservers or embed webservers within an application. Easy Web API development, MVC support, (optional) inbuild security on api-method level, Automatic javascript api library generation, WebSocket support with inbuild security.
WordPressReaderStd aims to simplify development of WordPress reader apps. It is written and compiled with .netStandard 2.1 as of version 2.1.x for compatibility reasons.
Make HTTP Requests easier, using a generic builder pattern and options for customizations
GraphQL for .NET
A very simple library for consuming in c#
.Net API client for Cleeng API 3.0
Client to connect and manage Jira Api
Analyzer for comparing JSON and POCO types. Packaged for use in a VSIX project.
An Asp.Net Core MVC extension to complement the Application Part feature with a Module Routing base.
Swagger.Plugin can be used for easy integration of Swagger’s Json file to AWS Web API Gateway