Top 20 NuGet api Packages

Xamarin Android library for consuming APIXU Weather REST API service.
Library to access Google APIs such as Geocode and Places APIs
This library's purpose is to sort objects by using 'keys' on properties. It was created to solve a pain point in sorting via web api endpoints
An unofficial .NET Core SDK for Facebook API
A C# wrapper which provides all the functionality of Paladins API.
.NET implementation of Slide API (
Returns apprenticeship levy information from HMRC
Returns apprenticeship levy information from HMRC
This package includes Windows.System.Launcher like APIs cross-platform such as: - Launcher for launching a default app associated with a specified file or URI.
RevStack Implementation of the Authorize.Net API
A C# library allowing developers to easily and asynchronously fetch data from the Marvel Comics API
Package Description
This package includes all the requierd Methods to communicate with DynThings WebAPI services.
Contains the Plain Old Clr Objects for the Ekin.Clarizen library
Riot Api wrapper for .NET Core.
Js2Cs allows web applications to easily transtion between frontend and backend code. It does this by generating javascript wrappers for C# code. It can be used with standard mvc controllers. Currently only dotnet core is supported.
Log4Net appender which sends logs to the New Relic Insights using API calls.
Login process for WinForms