Top 20 NuGet 10 Packages

This assembly contains a set of extensions allowing developers to create more personal and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications.
Simple and lightweight networking (including RPC) for Universal Windows Platform apps
This project is based on the RF24 Arduino driver from maniacbug ( and the nRF24L01Plus .NETMF driver from JohnMasen (
Simple and beautiful doughnut charts
ImageEx is a drop-in replacement for the XAML <Image /> control for the special use case when the Source property is changed quickly. A known bug in the control is that the image will flash (revealing the background visual) as it changes sources to the new source.
Famework for information systems for UWP
Handy Xaml behaviors for UWP. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
Monetize your Windows 10 app or game with banner and interstitial ads with top revenue and 100% fill rate. AdsJumbo advetising SDK supports UWP, Unity3D and HTML5 apps. Increase your revenue opportunities by putting ads in your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app or game for Windows 10 by using the...
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
An IoT Windows Azure Event Hub Client that publishes messages to an Event Hub using a Shared Access Signature for authorisation, with the API at For Xamarin.Forms and Windows 10 Universal.
AdDuplex (cross-promotion network for Windows Phone, Windows 8 and Windows 10 apps) SDK for Windows Phone 10 (XAML) apps
Enrich your Windows UWP application with Charts. You simply start by adding this XAML code to create a pie chart: <pieCharts:RichPieChart Radius="200" StrokeThickness="50" /> Watch this video to help you get started:
CrossPromoteAppSDK for Windows Phone 7.1/8 (Silverlight), Windows Phone 8 (RT), Windows 8, Windows Universal, Windows 10
Rate Control for UWP Application