Top 20 NuGet Packages

MSBuild targets/tasks to add intellisense (code [auto]completion) and navigation IDE support to Xamarin.Android bindings projects.
Minimal JSON parser/serializer in C#.
Работа с холонхическими множествами
THIS IS FORK OF EXPRESSMAPPER, so it will work exactly with >= netstandard1.6 and net5.0 (preview). Original source: Forked source:
This is a direct fork/port for .NET 4.5 of DirectShowLib from This one has been fixed to allow .NET Core targeting for HoloTrack.
Basic libraries to implement Simple Architecture
DAL layer interfaces used in Simple Architecture
DAL layer interfaces used in Simple Architecture
Simple Architecture - DAL layer implementation using Entity Framework
Simple Architecture - DAL layer implementation using Entity Framework Core
Package Description
HomeBi Framework Domain
HomeBi Framework Core
HomeBi Framework ITypeAdapter AutoMapper Implement
HomeBi Framework IJsonAdapter Newtonsoft Implement
HomeBi Framework Cache MemoryCache Implementation
HomeBi Framework Cache Redis Implementation