Top 20 NuGet Packages

High Performance StatsD Client (repackaged with strong name). Supports client-side metric aggregation and multiple metrics per UDP packet. Completely thread-safe.
High Performance StatsD Client. Supports client-side metric aggregation and multiple metrics per UDP packet. Supports tags in InfluxDB format. Completely thread-safe.
High speed C# immutable append only collections, starting with `AppendOnlyList`
HighCharts C#
Higher-kinded generic types for F#
HighIronRanch.Azure.ServiceBus.Contracts defines interfaces used by HighIronRanch.Azure.ServiceBus.
DataMigrations defines IMigration and provides a Migrator
A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event Sourcing patterns.
A Sql Server implementation for the SimpleCqrs Event Store.
The design and implementation of this package is described in the F# Journal article "Universal Reflection":
A relatively simple and extensible syntax highlighter written in C#
Package Description
Awesome highlighting add-on for WPF TextBlock
A TextBlock control for Windows Phone which can highlight parts of the text.
A custom textbox for WPF which will highlight text in a comma-separated list depending on a supplied function.