Top 20 NuGet Packages

using HiAuto.Extension. object,string,byte,binaryreader,datetime,int and so on,multi value type extension
百度、高德地图Web服务API;using HiAuto.Lbs; 静态类AmapLbs,BaiduLbs,TencentLbs
using HiAuto.Runtime , using HiAuto.Runtime.Net DnsHelper、HttpHelper, using HiAuto.Runtime.Security EncryptHelper, using HiAuto.Runtime.Serialization JsonHelper XmlHelper,
The client validator will (using javascript and unobtrusive client validation) tell the user if the typed password has been previously leaked. It will not tell how many times a password has been used as it is not relevant. If it has been leaked, it should not be used again. The package DOES...
Template framework for well formatted source code generation.
A NuGet that allows a .NET application to communicate with a USB HID device in a simple and straight forward way without having to worry about all the COM objects and technical details. It's written in C# and mainly targets that language. It provides a main object, HidUtility, that one can use to su...
My package description.
This project was created to port popular library, that hepls to interact with HID devices - hidapi (C language)
Package Description
HiDbAPI Server API
HiDbAPI Client
HiDbAPI Service Layer