Top 20 NuGet Packages

Tools Library for Gesisa SL
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Gestor de vistas client-side
A tool for managing application level dependencies using NuGet.
This Pacakge consist of three activities: 1.Has Html Table: check weather mail body has table. Input: mailMessage Output: True/False 2. Get Single Table From Mail Body: input: mailMessage,TableNumber. Output: single DataTable. 3. Get Multiple Table From Mail Body: Input: mailMessage Output: ...
Xamarin plugin which gets the local path location for a database file on Android and iOS. This plugin abstracts the platform specific ways in which you derive the local filepath to store data on the phone.
Easy to get play links from Youtube video with one line of code
Get Structure offset(for example, _PEB) using Debugger on runtime
My package description.
Get windows 10 accent color from dwm.
First Wrox MVC 3 Book giveaway. Adds Get-Clue command for the first.
Azure table storage repository
Core functionality
call the API's