Top 20 NuGet Packages

GeoSoul make dream come true. .net standard 提供比較少的支援 所以目前東西會比 GeoHelper 來的少一些
GeoHex library for C#
Calculate point geoid undulations at any given WGS 84 latitude and longitude by spherical harmonic synthesis. C# library with all necessary data ported from fortran code published here: Usage Example: double h = GeoidHeights.undulati...
Lightweight GeoIP service based on MaxMind GeoIP2 database
GeoJSON.Net is a .NET library for the RFC 7946 The GeoJSON Format and it uses and provides Newtonsoft Json.NET converters for serialization and deserialization of GeoJSON data.
Geojson.net2 is an alternative library for transforming a C# object into a Geojson Object.
Domain for Geolocation API
Get geolocation information of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses through ipstack service. In order to use this module you need to get API access key from by signing up. (Currently 10000 requests/month free of charge) You can reach me at [email protected]. Credits: Icons made by Smashicons (https:...
Geometry lib for .Net
GeoMemories will look in the current folder for any jpg/jpeg image. For every image found it'll look for its location data. Finally it'll print to screen every image name with a corresponding Google Maps URL.
Package Description
Common geometric methods
My package description.
A collection of geometry differs
Package Description
Basic Geometry Tools. C# .netstandard2.0. Line and Polygon Intersection, Curve Calculation and simple Partition Tree
Bulk GeoLocation library using the U.S. Census API for .NET Core