Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Create resx file when you on aspx.
Pdf Generation
Pdf Generation
Pdf Generation
It is light weight class to Render razor view to string in dynamically
Generate your reports in EXCEL and PDF using only Annotations in ASP NET MVC.
Generate number random
Generate Application Tool
DotNet tool to generate Refit HTTP client types from ASP.NET Core API controllers.
Package Description
Usage: In your view @using ExicoAspMvcPaging @Html.Raw(Html.RenderPaging(Model.PagingInfo.TotalItemCount, Model.PagingInfo.ItemsPerPage, new PagerOptions() { PageParam = "CurrentPage", ...
Generates example JSON for OData APIs.
Generates UML diagrams for OData CSDL files.
Ce composant permet à partir d'un fichier excel template de générer un nouveau fichier excel avec des données passées en paramètres.
Generate Bonsai This package works best with The SourceConsole. Follow the first four lessons and learn how to use Bonsai https://www....
A CLI tool to generate Online-Judge Problem.