Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Package Description
NLog Target for GrayLog2
提供基本輕量化 DAL 與 ExcelHelper 和 加密等相關 Utility.
Free custom controls. Contains these controls: # RateControl
The Gem library makes it easier to work with furigana text, particularly on web pages. Gem uses a simple syntax to encode furigana information in Japanese text. The text to be displayed in the furigana gem is simply included in square brackets following the character or group of characters it r...
A .net class library for calculating the Gematria value of strings of Hebrew text, or convert numbers into Hebrew Text.
A client script for transforming URLs into embed code.
WPF controls
Package Description
Bindings to the gemini protocol for C#
Package Description
Package Description
Some Usefull Services Classes, like TimeService etc
Some Usefull Functions for Quick Build Apps
Some Usefull Json Functions for Quick Build Apps