Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Allows to split configuration data into multiple files and classes. Store configuration files on the file system, in azure blobs, or otherwise.
Abstractions library for FuncatConfiguration. Allows to split configuration data into multiple files and classes. Store configuration files on the file system, in azure blobs, or otherwise.
File system storage library for FuncatConfiguration. Allows to get configuration files from file system.
Cache library for invoking .NET methods which has return value.
Package Description
Package Description
A simple messenger system that you can use in UWP, WPF and Xamarin to communicate between different components or pages. It comes from MvvmCross.Messenger.
Biblioteca contendo funções úteis.
Funções Gerais da Max Automação
Functional programming syntax support for C#, for things which either don't exist in C#, or a pain. Includes: 1) use 'var' to declar lambdas: var f = Fun.function(()=>10); 2) function composition; 3) partial function application (currying). MIT license.
C# Wrapper that helps calculate mathematical expressions that include a variable(x).
The Extension validates storage connection string
Package description
Azure Func v2 extension for rabbitmq including trigger and binding
Collection of templates for Function.Extension.RabbitMq.Templates
A functional framework for .NET
A methods to operate collections and flow control. Please see github to get-started guide: Using a C# 6.0 static import required. Extensive use of C# 7.0 ValueTuple's
A methods to operate collections and flow control. Please see github to get-started guide: Using a C# 6.0 static import required. Extensive use of C# 7.0 ValueTuple's