Top 20 NuGet Packages

Bad Network Attached Storage an answer to unreliable Network file access.
Badoo's Android-Weak-Handler binding for Xamarin
Check a string against a compiled index of common passwords.
Web navigator to simple projects
Package Description
Parse BAI2 format files to C# classes, which can be used to process the data. The parser combines the continuation records(88) to the previous records and warps the data. In case of incorrect file format, an expection is returned with the incorrect warped record. Parser handles commas in text field ...
Package Description
二次封装百度Ocr Sdk var baidu = new Baidu.AI.Ocr.BaiduOcr(config.ApiKey, config.SecretKey); baidu.IdCardFront(localPath);
Package Description
.NET SDK for Baidu BCS
BaiduMap android sdk Xamarin.Android bind
BaiduLocation android sdk Xamarin.Android bind