Top 20 NuGet Packages

Set of helpers tools for mvc
UI elements for Bacup.Infrastructure.Mvc
Work with OpenXML
Work with Unity
Package Description
Bad Behavior .NET is a .NET port of the original Bad Behavior WordPress plugin. It is built as an HTTP module, so you can just drop it into any existing website and enable it with a simple change to your web.config file.
An MVC framework for .NET console applications
Base classes to help in implementing plugins for Badaching
Abstractions and types to implement a plugin for Badaching.
Package Description
IoT Module Host is a generic host implementation for IoT Edge modules. It makes it easier to start a new module implementation by taking away the boilerplate code which is required.
This package lets you verify the valid extension type of a renamed file(renamed extension) before you actually start processing the uploaded file. Renaming Dll file to PDF will make the file look like PDF but actually that would be a corrupted PDF file. Use this Package to verify the same. This p...
Set application badge across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows from a single API. Ability to modify application badge value
A library for asynchronous multithreaded task processing
Simple Database access
A library containing OAuth server providers and utilities for OWIN using JWT.
A library for parsing templates.
Official .NET client for working with BadgeUp, a user engagement and gamification service.