Top 20 NuGet Packages
CEF - the Chromium Embedded Framework.
NOTE: This package is maintained on behalf of the CEF authors by the CefSharp project at
Official client library for easily integrating with the Cloudinary service
Render After Effects animations natively on Android, iOS, MacOS, TVOs and UWP
Common.Logging.Serilog is an adapter that bridges the Common.Logging abstraction with Serilog, allowing you to use Serilog as the underlying logging framework in applications that rely on Common.Logging.
ControlzEx is a library with some shared Controls for WPF.
A supercharged .NET SDK for Azure CosmosDB with ORM support
CSRedis 是 官方推荐库,支持 redis-trib集群、哨兵、私有分区与连接池管理技术,简易 RedisHelper 静态类。
CS-Script engine Class Library for .NET 5
You hate verbatim SQL queries with zero type safety for your code but you love the speed?
Dapper.FastCRUD is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels.
These features leave no chance t...
A library which is able to decompile a delegate or a method body to its lambda representation
A core Discord.Net library containing the REST client and models.
A core Discord.Net library containing the WebSocket client and models.
The docfx command line tool published as .NET tool
ReportGenerator converts coverage reports generated by OpenCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, Cobertura, JaCoCo, Clover, gcov or lcov into human readable reports in various formats. The reports do not only show the coverage quota, but also include the source code and visualize which line has be...
A simple in-memory caching provider.
EasyDynamo is a small library that helps developers to access and configure DynamoDB easier. Different configurations can be applied for different environments (development, staging, production) as well as using a local dynamo instance for non production environment. Supports creating dynamo tables ...
Entity Framework Core Second Level Caching Library.
EntityWorker is an object-relation mapper(ORM) that enable .NET developers to work with relations data using objects. EntityWorker is an alternative to entityframwork. is more flexible and much faster than entity framework.
And it have support to multiple providers like mssql, sqlite and postgressql...
A testing library for creating Expected Objects
It's faking amazing! The easy mocking library for .NET that works great in C# and VB.NET alike. No need to know the difference between a stub, a mock or a spy, everything's a fake! The easy to use, refactoring friendly API makes faking a breeze.