Top 20 NuGet Packages

Akinator Api for .NET
Reusable Razor components based on the Spectre CSS framework
Simple IoC container based on Microsoft MinIoc container
Contracts definition for the TestTool Scenarios Builder
Nuget package support to build micro-services project. Healthcheck service
Akira nuget package support to build micro-services project. Multi-language supports.
Nuget package support for logging
Library to help generate lottery ticket. Currently, only supported for Vietnam Lottery Ticket.
Akismet Client for detecting comment spam
A library for Akka.NET that removes most of the boilerplate code for creating and configuring actor systems.
A .NET extension library for akka.configuration that provides the boilerplate code for creating actor systems.
A .NET extension library for that provides the boilerplate code for generating HOCON config files.
A .NET extension library for akka.configuration that allows users to configure and create Akka.NET actor systems using C#'s lambda syntax.
Package Description
Package Description