Top 20 NuGet Packages

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dll AjaxToolKit
Huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types
Package Description
Package Description
AJointProject TMG Core
A wrapper around the plain http rest api, i.e. the one the the kibana dev tools uses. Strongly typed, but no dependencies. i.e. does not depend on NEST or newtonsoft.json. It basically only uses only httpClient and the new faster serialisers in System.Text.Json.
Some extension methods for adding effectively properties dynamically to a JsonElement, it actually recreates a new JsonElement from the original plus the new property.
A Simple Scheduler, with task execution queue built on TPL DataFlow. Schedules described by simple strings "now", "at|2020-01-27T09:00:00", "after|4hh", "every|10mm|x5" Or using fluent interface _taskBuilderFactory.BuildTask().Run("some task").At(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(20)); The task to be performe...