Top 20 NuGet Packages

.NET sockets made easy (Now part of MniakLibs)
.NET Standard 2.0 version of Lidgren.Network. No code changes except a new csproj file targeting netstandard2.0.
NetTAP is a TAP protocol parser for .NET
Simple .Net library of basic type conversion extensions.
This library has been renamed to EasyTabs. Updating to the latest version of this library will download and install EasyTabs, after which you can delete the reference to this project.
Tools library with many useful extensions for C# language, for quick import to any solution.
WCF Service Reference for VMWare vSphere Management SDK (wsdl/vim25/vimService.wsdl)
C# WCF API to access the REST based 37signals services including basecamp, highrise, backpack, and campfire.
.NET Windows Application Framework (NETWAF) is a library that enables .NET developers to build Desktop applications and Windows NT Service applications sharing a foundation that supports frequently used functionalities.
Implements a few interesting animations for Windows Form Controls. I am just the packager as the project is abandoned but still works on the latest .NET
.NET wrapper for the XenServer API. XenServer includes a XML-RPC based API, providing programmatic access to the extensive set of XenServer management features and tools. The XenServer API can be called from a remote system as well as local to the XenServer host. Remote calls are generally made secu...
This library is same as XeroAPI.Net ( with 4DP support by default.
This library contains common functionality such as cryptography, threading, and other features which were not included by default with the .NET framework in Windows 8 Metro Style apps. This library contains a number of very useful classes and extension methods that many should find useful.
.NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers. Fast, Light, Resilient. Contains ServiceStack's high-performance text-processing powers, for more info see:
Package Description
.NET Framework network services library
.NET Unifying Class Library for Engineering Utility Software