Top 20 NuGet Packages

Enables use of Rancher's Load Balancer SSL Offloading feature, as well as loading variables from the Secrets directory.
Template to use when creating a SQL based .Net Core API.
A .NET Core Template for Microsoft Bot Framework v4. Will let you quickly set up a conversational AI bot with core features every bot is likely to use.
A .NET Core Template for Microsoft Bot Framework v4. Will let you quickly set up a bot that simply "echoes" back to the user anything the user says to the bot. This is a little more than "Hello World!"
A .NET Core Template for Microsoft Bot Framework v4. A good template if you are familiar with Bot Framework v4, and simple want a basic skeleton project.
Package Description
Provides complementary cryptographic functions to .NET Framework such as AES CTS, NFold, LCM, GCD, MD4, and bit rotations.
Analyzes dependencies, concerning their licenses and vulnerabilities, used in projects developed in .NET platform. For .NET Core projects, install this tool
.Net Dev Utils
This package provides Discriminated Unions for C# with an opportunity inherit from built in type and create custom Union Type.
.net Extension Helpers
.NET Extension Method
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for Google Play Services library ''. N/A
Simple calucaltor for .NET Framework
Reusable extension for .NET Framework Class Library
Just install and run 'figlet lorem ipsum' to figlettize the given text. Supports around 150 figlet fonts.
.Net HotReloading
.Net HotReloading
This library will speed up development with the Rogerthat API significantly.
Attention: You must have either X86 or x64 set as your build platform in order to reference these binaries!!! (Any CPU is not supported) A job object allows a group of processes to be managed as a unit. Job objects are namable, securable, sharable objects that control attributes of and assign limit...