Top 20 NuGet Packages

Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are used frequently in different projects.
Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are used frequently in different projects.
Composer is an extensible Compositional Architecture framework, providing a set of functionality such as Inversion of Control container (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI), Plug-in framework, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Configurability and Composability for components.
AppStorageService provides a standard, reusable and tested way of saving data in application isolated storage
AppStorageService provides a standard, reusable and tested way of saving data in application isolated storage
AppStoresScraper is library for downloading app metadata from Steam, Google, Apple and Windows app stores
An alternative to AppVeyor's assembly_info task which is more workflow driven.
📦 .Net Standard package with a NuGet client with typed models for obtaining package meta data, versions and manifests.
.Net Standard Telegram Bot Api Client client for communication with the Telegram Bot API. Example webhook web application runs .Net Core 2.1, also includes a example command line tool.
The MySql provider of the
The Oracle provider of the
C# client library for interacting with the Apruve API
WPF transformations for TaskPlex
Apteligent (Formerly Crittercism) SDK for Windows. This SDK is currently open-sourced and community supported. Source code is here:
The message bus that uses the Message Dispatcher to implement the message publishing mechanism (Will be obsolete, please use Event Aggregator implementation instead).
The message bus that uses the Event Aggregator to implement the message publishing mechanism.
The message bus that uses the MSMQ as the message publishing mechanism.
The implementation of Domain Event Storages built with general RDBMS, such as SQL Server or OleDB databases.