Top 20 NuGet Packages

Reduce the number of HTTP requests required to render the page, resulting in faster page loads by combining and compressing multiple JavaScripts and stylesheets.
Package Description
AbsoluteLayout implemented the way you expected. Works exactly same as native AbsoluteLayout except that (0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5) means what it should mean - a square box in the screen center half the screen in size.
A TileSharp based TileLayer/TileSource for Smartrak.XamlMapControl
Used to apply the seeds of the application automatically via Reflection following some conventions.
.NET Standard RabbitMQ Client with Connection Pool, Channel Pool, Class-Driven Events, Consumers Registrator, SSL/TLS Support, and HTTP API.
SmartSql V2.0 obsolete SmartSql.Logging.NLog using DI injection.
SmartSql.Versioning.WebApi enables you to quickly expose versioned objects as a consistent web API.
SmartThingsNet dotnet client SDK
Smartunicom Shared Library - Collections.Generic
Smartunicom Shared Library - Drawing
Smartunicom Shared Library - Framework