Top 20 NuGet Packages

Chart control (Not developed)
The classes required to create a logger
Twitter like animation for any view 💓
Fluent HttpWebClient, Http parser and Json parser.
Easy way to create Log formatted and Upload to any URL. Works for Android and iOS with this component.
Smart project references that resolve even if project is not in solution.
Nesse pacote contém objetos DFe para persistência no Mongo e Elastic.
FormDesigner 是一个基于.NET C# 开发的 Winform 自定义表单设计组件。支持Xml保存和加载表单,支持控件的拖放和属性设置,支持复制、粘贴、对齐、撤销、重做等设计时操作。
Client for asynchronous messaging via Sql Server Broker Services. Supports request-respond and fire and forget messaging scenarios.
Smart container library configuration extensions
Smart UWP support library for .NET
Xamarin.Android Bindings for TecOrb-Developers' SmartAlertDialog. Easily create alert dialog in Android
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for smart-fox-server. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 91d45c49a3b5cd6a0abbf5f319c1406fd4f2b1e7].